Mohamad Ali Vadood

معرفی بعنوان یکی از طراحان برگزیده ۲۰۲۱

I was sent this image by the A’ Design Award and Competition. They wanted to highlight my profile as a design hero who contributes to the advancement of society by good design. Their ongoing campaign for creating an awareness and appreciation for good design can be accessed at Design Heroes page at #designheroes – see my Design Hero profile at

معرفی بعنوان یکی از طراحان برگزیده ۲۰۲۱ Read More »

Mohammadali Vadood


Best Design Iran is pleased to present you with The Bird from Paradise Wooden Sculpture, an amazing Cultural Heritage by Mohamad Ali Vadood from Iran

The Bird from Paradise Wooden Sculpture

Recognized as a very good cultural heritage in 2019, designed by Mohamad Ali Vadood from Iran

This work of cultural heritage and culture industry design has been highlighted as an example of an outstandingly good wooden sculpture design from Iran. Make sure to follow our “Learn more on The Bird from Paradise Wooden Sculpture” link below to learn more about The Bird from Paradise Wooden Sculpture, and discover more Mohamad Ali Vadood works and other award-winning wooden sculpture and cultural heritage from Iran.

The Bird from Paradise by Mohamad Ali Vadood has been featured as an esteemed winner of highly prestigious A’ Design Award. Mohamad Ali Vadood’s The Bird from Paradise has been granted the Bronze A’ Design Award in Cultural Heritage and Culture Industry Design category.

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